One Day on the Moon

Where was this picture taken? What can you see in it?

What do you know about the first man on the Moon? Can these words help you?

Watch the video and remember in which contexts the words from the cloud are used.

Look at the table and match two parts to make phrases:
 1  walking a  the American flag
 2  taking pictures b  of his crewmate
 3  raising c  in the lunar dust
 4  parents watching d  with flying
 5  Armstrong's crew was e  the Navy after college
 6  born f  every six people
 7  fascinated g  with their children
 8  he joined h  in Ohio
 9  one out of i  assigned to Apollo 11

Use the phrases to tell the story of the first man on the Moon.


Answer key:

Word cloud
Apollo 11 was the spaceship to which Armstrong was assigned.
July was the month when the moon landing took place.
1962 was the year when Armstrong became an astronaut.
The landing brought the divided country together (during the Vietman War it was divided into two opposing sides).
Neil Armstrong was the first man on the Moon.
Ohio was the state where Armstrong was born.
The Moon was the goal of America at that time.
The flag of America was what they installed on the Moon.
The step was what we can see in the famous photo and it is that of neil Armstrong.
Broadcast is what the event was throughout the world.
Moonwalk is what was the easiest part of the mission.

The table:
  1. walking in the lunar dust
  2. taking pictures of his crewmate
  3. raising the American flag
  4. parents watching with their children
  5. Armstrong's crew was assinged to Apollo 11
  6. born in Ohio
  7. fascinated with flying
  8. he joined the Navy after college
  9. one out of every six people


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